Access and Participation Statement

Access and Participation Statement

Access and Participation Statement

Our Vision

The purpose of the School is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to enable them to access careers and improve life chances. We wish to develop a genuine student- centred culture and gain a reputation as a high-quality provider of further and higher education.

The overall aim of this Access and Participation Statement is to enhance the School’s commitment to improving the student outcomes by identifying the areas where we can build on success and by addressing the identified gaps in access, success, and progression data to ensure equal opportunities for all of our students.

“Caspian School of Academics will meet students aspirations through excellence in education and training”

Mission Statement

The School has, strategically, taken an inclusive approach to the work of engaging with individuals and groups of individuals with protected characteristics (as defined by the Equality Act 2010). As a training provider, we have implemented a differentiated approach to the support needs of our further and higher education students. One very important aspect of the work of the School is to stimulate and support progression at all levels.

The School HE strategy is focused upon the development and delivery of high quality, vocationally relevant programmes to support internal progression, widen participation and to meet and external demand. There are four key priorities within this strategy.

Access and participation

We are mindful of the expectations of the Equality Act 2010 to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between different parts of the community. We are also mindful of the need to demonstrate a commitment to equity, as set out in the UK Quality Code.

We serve a multiracial and multilingual community and have a diverse range of employees. Our structure, policies and practices need to reflect the community we serve. We recognise the fact that vulnerable people, including those with a learning disability, have been discriminated against in the past and will ensure that we work toward redressing such discrimination. Adherence to our Equal opportunities’ procedure is a condition of service for all staff.

The School has published procedures on Student engagement and Information advice and guidance, together with procedures on Equality and Diversity, Disability and Transgender equality. Student welfare services are available to all students who may be experiencing problems such as difficulties with coursework, problems settling in, homesickness, bullying, financial difficulties, health issues, family problems and any forms of abuse. The School is committed to providing comprehensive and confidential services to our students.

The School undertakes to provide a high-quality educational experience for all its students and appropriate advice on progression and employment opportunities. We offer a range of services for current and prospective students and can assist with a wide variety of issues relating to students` individual needs and requirements. These include:

Admissions and Inductions

Recruitment to HE programmes at the School is supported by a number of strands of activity which are designed to widen participation.

The entry criteria for all higher education programmes at the School include ‘non-standard’ options so as to encourage applications from those who have not followed a standard route and may not have UCAS tariff points.

Information Advice &Guidance (IAG)

The School undertook the matrix quality standard assessment on 03/12/2020 for information advice and guidance services. The School has demonstrated that it meets all aspects of the matrix standard, with a clear focus on support provided to individuals to progress towards their academic and career goals. The recommendations from the matrix assessment have been accomplished. The School has a comprehensive student welfare service. From the moment any prospective student considers joining the School they will be able to access support with:

Student support

Review of this statement

We review this Access and Participation statement annually as part of our annual review of policies. We will update and re-publish this policy annually as required by condition A2 of the Office for Students Regulatory Framework.

UK Quality Code references:

UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Learning and Teaching UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Student Engagement