Student Feedback

Student Feedback

Hear from our students

At the Caspian School of Academics, we prioritize providing the best possible experience for our students. We value and act upon student feedback through various channels, viewing students as active contributors to their own learning experience.

Opportunities for Student Engagement:

Student Representatives

Students have the chance to become Student Representatives or Student Experience Consultants, actively participating in improving the student experience.

Student Consultation Panel

Formed in collaboration with the Students’ Union, this panel allows students to provide feedback and shape future decisions through surveys, focus groups, workshops, and user testing. Participants receive rewards and recognition for their contributions.

Programme and Module Feedback

Students can provide feedback on their academic experience anonymously through Programme Surveys and Module Feedback sessions.

Student Surveys

National and school-led surveys such as the National Student Survey (NSS) and Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) provide essential insights to enhance courses and services.

How to Get Involved

If dissatisfied after using feedback mechanisms, students can make a formal complaint.

If dissatisfied after using feedback mechanisms, students can make a formal complaint.